Saturday 30 April 2016

Handle Difficult Acne Cured

Acne vulgaris is a type of acne that is characterized by chronic inflammation of the oil glands. Acne vulgaris also arise due to the work of P. acnes bacteria increased, blockage of the hair root canal, excessive oil production as well as the reaction of our immune system (immune system). To treat acne, there are several types of drugs that are often used as antibitoik, retinoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and acid salysilat. But sometimes after a long treatment and changing the drug, the results shown are not especially well for some very severe acne cases and sometimes did not recover. "Immune therapy that is being studied is a type of vaccine, ie vaccines for the bacteria P. acnes. This vaccine has some of the targets is to kill P acnes bacteria and treat cases of acne that is resistant to other drugs, "explained Prof. dr. Today Sukanto, Sp.KK (K) when encountered on occasions when filling symposium Immunotherapy for Acne Vulgaris in the National Association of Physician Specialists Congress of Dermatology in Bandung - Indonesia, Wednesday (27/8) then. "Vaccination against P acnes is a type of future therapy for acne, especially for cases of acne are difficult to cure," Handle Difficult Acne Cured Talk about acne that is hard to cure, it would be highly associated with existing treatments. On the same occasion, dr. Sjarif M. Wasitaatmadja Sp.KK (K) at a symposium Adult Acne: Multi-faceted Disorder reveal how not all soaps for the face clean ideal for facial skin care. "Not all anti-acne soap enough for skin care acne condition. But it is clear, conservative soaps on the market most is soap that has no protection against moisture, making it risky to make your skin dry and irritated. Soaps containing lipids as moisturizer, I think it would be very useful for skin health, he explained in a program supported by the DoveMed.